Thursday, June 7, 2007

Warning! This Post is Not Funny, Enlightening, or Interesting!

NOTE: This is a serious pity party here, peeps. Read it and weep, but just know that today is the last day of said pity party, as this will be the last rant about failing the bar. Plus, my husband might kill me if I don't shut my pie hole.

I am pissed. P-I-S-S-E-D O-F-F. Like seriously, Alanis Morissette pissed. Fiona Apple pissed, even. And angry is not attractive. Psycho bitch rageaholic is not hot. While I am embarrassed beyond belief, I am angrier than I am embarrassed because I just failed the bar exam for the second time.

I did everything I was supposed to do. The first time, I took Barbri, the live lectures. I went every day and I took notes, created outlines, flashcards and did all the practice essays. I did extra practice essays. I did all the performance exams and did all the reading. I memorized all the mnemonics. Barbri tells you to be a sheep and just give the examiners the answer they want. I was a sheep.

I took both the 6-day and 3-day PMBR courses. I went every day and took notes. I completed the in-class book as well as the red and blue books. I purchased past MBE examinations from the NCBEX website and completed those under testing conditions. I reviewed every wrong answer. I made notes about the areas of law in which I was scoring low and went back and reviewed those areas. I listened to those god-forsaken CD’s, which was a seemingly endless dose of Sominex.

Here is what I didn’t do: Have fun. Talk to or see my family. Go out with my husband. Talk on the phone. Screw around on the internet. Sleep in. Work. Make money. See my friends.

I took that shit seriously. I hounded my husband endlessly about contracts and property and constitutional law and it was all we talked about. I constantly had a stomach ache ~ I was under a huge amount of pressure due to the financial strain I was putting my husband under. You gotta throw down some bills for Barbri – it is not cheap. Neither is PMBR.

My family had had a rough couple of years and was desperately in need of some good news, or good fortune, or really, just something not upsetting and disappointing. My husband’s family is full of lawyers who all passed the first time – one of them in more than one state. They seem to be under the misconception that I am brilliant (no doubt evidenced by my excellent taste in husbands) and I was afraid of disappointing them or my husband.

I was, and still am, friends with a lot of people that I have worked with at various law firms and in house legal jobs. My friends are lawyers, paralegals, legal secretaries and administrators. They “knew” I would pass and were anxiously awaiting the results. At the gym, I took Spin classes with a group of attorney’s from the local D.A’s office that I chatted with on a daily basis about the law, their jobs, my classes and the bar exam. They too, “knew” I would pass, because I am so “smart.”

And when the exam came around, I woke up on time. I was prepared and looking good. No computer problems, stuck to the time constraints on the essays, performance exams and even the MBE’s. I outlined. I went to bed early and watched bad TV.

I did everything I was supposed to do.

And I failed. Those fuckers failed me. I was old, tired, fat, broke and a failure.

So, the second time, I took Cal Bar Tutorial. I had to throw down even more bills. I did all the same shit I did the first time. I was at the library every day freezing my ass off. My in laws were still convinced I was brilliant, and my family was still in need of some good news. I had the same friends in the legal profession and the same husband who made me Lemon Drops every night (ok, pipe down, not really every night.)

I tried to relax a little more, go out with my husband more, have a little more fun. I spoke to my family on the phone. Improved my MBE scores. Bought more books. Worked out more.

Again, I took that shit seriously and when the exam came around again, I did the same thing I did before. I was there early, I was prepared. I did not have computer issues and I remembered my stupid little brown admittance slip. I ate healthy and dressed warmly and the room wasn’t freezing.

I did everything that repeaters were supposed to do.

And I failed. I fucking failed again.

I am pissed that I have subjected myself and my husband to staggering student loan debt for nothing. Absolutely nothing. I am pissed that some questionable people passed the bar and I didn’t.

I am mortified that I have had to explain to my friends and family that I failed again. Especially to my friends in the legal field; everyone knows some asshat (my new favorite word) lawyer with no common sense that passed the first time and here I am, a two time loser. I am afraid that they wonder whether or not I am smart enough to do this. I am afraid they question some of the choices I have made that have potentially put me in this situation. Why didn’t she go to law school right after college? Why did she work during law school?

I am afraid that the best I will ever be is what I am right now.

And that is why I am fucking pissed off.


calbar blondie said...

My best friend from law school is opening up her own law practice this Monday. She and I graduated a year ago, and she passed the Feb 06 Bar. Here I am going at it AGAIN.

I started off doing barpassers home study, then barpassers home study again with PMBR three day and the Whitney Roberts Cheat Sheet book/some tutoring. This time I did the full Barbri course and actually followed it like a sheep, just like you. I failed all three times. Got a B average in law school, and can't pass this thing...yet.

This time, I am simply following a subject-by-subject schedule(provided by John Holtz), working minimum 50 mbe's a day from Micromash, Finz and now Strategies. I hired an essay tutor last weekend, and am attending her one-day workshop in July(she's an academic tutor at a local law school and has her own bar tutorial for repeaters.) We are working from the Barbri essay workbook materials as well. I am also taking John Holtz's workshop in June in San Diego for the PT's.
I feel like a do-it-yourself-er this time around, but I think you have to get focused and mad at this thing when you get into the repeater situation. Either that, or walk in so totally relaxed and conditioned that it all comes like second nature. I think that only comes from practice and renewed confidence.
BTW, sorry to take up so much space on your blog. I know, I need to start my own..but that would take away from studying, right?

Anonymous said...

There it is, the rant! It really wasn't as bad as you might have thought it would be. In fact I can relate. The fact you didn't pass the bar exam twice is NOT a reflection on your intelligence! Yeah it sucks that everyone in your family is a lawyer that passed on the first try. However, that doesn't make them experts on the bar exam. They probably don't even know why they passed the bar. They just got lucky.

I was embarrassed too about failing the bar twice, but you know what? Who cares? Who gives a flying s**t what other people think? You can either hide that fact from them and let yourself be ashamed for no reason, or come right out and say "Yeah I didn't pass twice. So what?" If anyone tries to lecture you, tell them to save their breath. Like I said, passing the bar on the first try does not make one an expert. If they would dare question your choices in life instead of supporting you and encouraging you, then they aren't worth wasting one second on. Your husband knows how hard you studied and how devoted you were to bar prep, and I bet he's pretty pissed at the CA bar examiners too.

Your student loan debt is NOT for nothing. Whether you pass the bar or not, you are set for life. You have a ton of career opportunities open to you in virtue of your law degree. You'll always be able to find a good job, even if it isn't an attorney job. Plenty of people forego the bar exam and do quite well in their chosen careers. You don't necessarily have to be a paralegal forever. There are tons of books about what you can do with a law degree if you take a look at

I'm not at all saying you shouldn't try again. I'm all for you giving the bar another try, and I hope you do. Perhaps another state, if not California? If you took another state bar and passed, you could take a federal attorney position, and then try the California bar again. You could easily transfer your MBE score to some states (Connecticut for instance) and then only take the essay portion.

If money is becoming a factor, you could set up a self-study plan using all the materials you've acquired from all those bar prep courses. What was your downfall - essays or MBE?

The Grand Poobah said...

Wow. Thanks for scaring the shit out of me. Seriously. I sincerely thank you for posting this. If there was any remnant of complacency about the bar exam and my preparation for it, it is officially gone. You have done the blog-reading bar-prepping community a huge service.

Someone said to me yesterday that you don't learn anything from success. Well screw him in the ass with a corn cob dipped in kerosene. If I don't learn anything from success then I want to be blissfully ignorant my whole life.

My condolences to you for not having passed. But when you're 50 years old, and have a long and successful practice, you'll look back on this moment ...

... you'll still be pissed off!

But at least you'll be a pissed off attorney. And that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you with the rage. Maybe a few knotches less since denial keeps seeping in.

After failing twice and hearing other's similar experience I am CONVINCED that the grading of essay is totally fucking arbitrary and that the only thing I have any kind of control over is the MBE. I heard one story of someone getting an 80 on an essay on the 1st read and 65 on the second. WTF?

It's just a crapshoot. A giant fucking arbitrarily graded crapshoot that does not measure your ability to shit except drive yourself insane for months at a stretch.

not that I'm bitter or anything about THE 5 PRIME YEARS I have LOST trying to become a FUCKING ATTORNEY!!!!!!

[eh-hem, 'scuse me]

calbar blondie said...

BB, so have you decided to re-take in July? Hope so. You absolutely cannot give up now!

Anonymous said...

I second all of these comments. The Bar Exam is not a reflection of intelligence -- far from it. In my nearly 18 years in this business, I have encountered too many lawyers who couldn't write a coherent sentence or advance a reasoned argument ever to sucumb to that notion. BB has the brains, common sense, and judgment to make an outstanding lawyer. And yes, her husband is plenty pissed off at the CA bar examiners. If she is not a lawyer yet, there is something very wrong with the system.

Blonde Blogger said...

E - I could not have said it better myself.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I know this blog is from awhile ago, but I have to comment: I've only failed once so far, but I am absolutely freaking out about this upcoming July exam. As you can tell, since I am online instead of studying property. But I have to ask, how did you approach all the SAME material all over again (and I'm assuming again) without totally losing faith? I am having such a hard time caring, or really absorbing it with the same intent as before when it was new and challenging and even kind of exciting? Also, there is the new California stuff this time around, which I thought would at least shake up the subject matter...instead, CA civpro makes me want to go on a killing rampage. I just have to commiserate with you on the friends thing, too; I went to UC Berkeley for undergrad and a top 25 law school, and every single friend I have - not exaggerating - has passed the California bar exam on their first try. Everyone told me it would be fine, I would pass, because I'm 'smart'. Yeah, right. I am supposed to become a partner and sort of inherit a relative's law firm, and when I found out I am the first lawyer ever to work in the office who did not pass the first time, I was totally mortified. I had been working since the bar was over (I took it the firt time in February) and everyone, all our clients etc, knew I was waiting to hear. The failure was so embarrassing, and the subsequent repeating has been so expensive... Anyway (vent, vent) I want to know how you regained your confidence and went at it again with the same level of intensity. You sound so committed to passing this, when all I want to do is give up, now the fear-of-failure incentive is gone. I went to a wedding soon after hearing I'd failed, with all my law school friends who passed, and it was mortifying for me and them. There was so much awkwardness, especially as I am the only one they know who failed, and most of them took the bar in more than one state; one passed New York AND California. Jerk. So now, I am taking the bar again in 4 days, and I am venting on a stranger's blog. I feel prepared, but I did last time too and was apparently wrong. How do you pick yourself back up?? Maybe I should try lemondrops...

Blonde Blogger said...

Anonymous, I wish you had left an email so I could respond just to you. I hope you check back here....I am so sorry; but hopefully, it makes you feel a little bit better to read my blog and the ones that I link to, so you will know that you are not alone.

To be honest, I have no idea who I revved myself up for the second go around. I tried to forget the first time existed and acted like it was the first time. I spent less time on substantive review, which was actually a relief, and more time on the MBE's and writing.

I will venture a guess and say that you know the law. You know how to take MBE's..that is not the problem; it wasn't the problem either time I took it. It was my mental state, my attitude and the confidence I have in myself. Which means, both times I took the exam, my mental state sucked, my attitude was negative(at best), laced with sheer terror and I had no confidence in myself. I over-thought every single thing on both exams.

I know this sounds totally trite, and I have come this place only in the last couple of weeks, but it really has to be all about you and doing what you need to do to pass the test. Maybe I have to say these things because of my situation, but I know I am smart enough to be a lawyer. I know I am smarter than some of the lawyers I know. I just have to pass the test. And if I don't, life will go really and truly doesn't mean anything...ex except that I couldn't pass the test.

Please, be good to yourself and drink lots of Lemon Drops. Please check back and let me know when you pass...;-)

benito said...

To everyone who is pissed about failing the FEB 07 calbar, so am I, I'll shares my scores and you'll see why.

Q1: R1 60 R260
Q2: R1 65 R260
Q3: R1 65 R2 60
Q4: R1 70 R2 60
Q5: R1 55 R2 75
Q6: R1 55 R2 55
PTA: R1 55 R2 55
PTB: R1 70 R2 75
MBE raw 125

Now, my total scaled scored after both reads was 1435, 5 points short of becomining an attorney. To those of you that are not table oriented, take a close look at EQ5 and you'll quickly understand that the essays are an arbitrary grading process.

I did not receive any explanation of why one professional grader thought it was a 55 and the other a 75, but I do know that 55 is cleary fail, and 75 is clearly passing.

If my "operant" grade of 65 or th 75 on R2 was in the first colum, I would not be writing this blog right now.

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