Monday, June 11, 2007

Jackass: Part III.

If you read First Time Takers Can Be Assholes and Jackass: Part II, then you know how much it pains me to say this, although if I was honest I would say I am not surprised:

Jackass? Totally passed.


Anonymous said...

In a year, he'll have slept with a partner's wife and developed a huge drinking/drug abuse problem (a given). Other associates will find out and blackmail him with threats of telling the partner.

Within 3 years, his kids will despise him and his wife will divorce him, get full custody of the kids, taking as much spousal and child support as possible, leaving him only a large student loan payment and a sizable bar tab to keep him company.

I like to day dream about jackass comeuppance.


calbar blondie said...

We all know "jackasses" who have passed this exam. I know at least three from my school who did. I don't think any of them have any clients yet. 'Nuff said.
Is Jackass a blogger?

Blawgin' said...

Again, the most unremarkable people pass the bar.

On an unrelated note, I just finished reading Bitter is the New Black and noticed you like Jen Lancaster too! Do you recommend her other books? You're my blog twin, I swear. Have you read Sophia Kinsella's Shopaholic series? They're great!

Anonymous said...

Don't even get me started on the Shopaholic books! I bought one from an airport bookstore when I needed some reading for a long flight, and I was HOOKED! I went out and bought every single one of the other Shopaholic books, read them nonstop, and I've been in withdrawal since finishing the latest one. I've also read Kinsella's other books, so I'm fresh out of Kinsella material. I hope there'll be another Shopaholic book coming out! Perhaps I'll try out Jen Lancaster if her writing style is similar...

legis said...

Ugh, people like Jackass make me ill. There was a girl in my first Bar review class whose mere presence made me feel physically ill. Toward the beginning she was talking about how she was nervous because her MBE scores were "only" 75% in each subject. She copied my notes copiusly but only let me quickly glance at her screen when I needed notes. I'm positive she passed. But she was definitely a Jackass.

Anonymous said...

Re Jackass, that's generally why I don't read the blogs of first-time bar takers. I figure there isn't much there to help me, and I find retakers' blogs to be much more helpful. I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way, but it seems that retakers know much more about the bar than first-time passers do.

Blonde Blogger said...


You read my mind! I am keepin' hope alive!!