Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Barbri Class Reps Can Suck It!

Federal Judge Rejects $49 Million BAR/BRI Settlement

Dear Barbri Class Reps,

You are seriously deluded if you think you deserve over $70,000 for being a class rep in this case, while I, as a class member, stand to receive approximately $125.

Did you peeps pass the bar? Are you representing yourselves? Because I? Totally failed. Twice. And trust me, I hate Barbri with the fire of a thousand suns and consider it a sartorial mandate to pontificate endlessly on the unmitigated clusterfuck that is the California Bar Exam. But seriously? I am going to check and see if you class reps passed the bar; if you did...OH, HELL NO. You do NOT get to pass AND get a settlement for over $70,000.

Seems like it's back to the old drawing board on the settlement. Keep me posted.


Your BFF, The Princess of Darkness and Anger


Emily said...

Ferris, you're my hero!

I totally second that shit :)

Blawgin' said...

I know, WTF are they thinking?

Although $125? I'd still take it.

Anonymous Failee said...

I'm sure they'll manage to fuck it up even further...we'll probably all end up with a 25 dollar gift card to be used on the gilberts outline of your choice and a free happy meal.

Blawgin' said...

Hey girlie...have you decided what to do about the July bar? Are you in hell with us? ;)