Friday, June 15, 2007

The $64,000 Question.

I don't think I have ever mentioned this, but my Perfect Husband has some Perfect Offspring. The other day, I was with Offspring #2 on a field trip. (Oh, and law school? Totally ruins field trips. I was petrified something was going to happen to one of the other children entrusted to me ~ I didn't even want to buy them snacks. Do they have food allergies? Do they have diabetes? Can they have sugar? Will they actually tell me these things? What if they choke? Can I give them the heimlich? Or is that a "bad touching?" What if this child flies off the roller coaster? Am I liable? The words "negligent entrustment" came to about a total buzz kill...)

But anyways, riding in the car with Offspring #2 (11 year old girl) she asks me if I got the results from the bar exam.

I said, "Yes."

She said, "Did you pass?"

I said, "No."

She said, "Oh, bummer."

I said, (trying to make it sound less tragic and shitty than it actually is) "It's ok, only about 37% of people that took it passed."

She looks at me like I am a total frickin' idiot, and says, "Why would you take a test that no one can pass?"


Anonymous said...

Haha, don't you just love how kids can really put things in perspective? I am the same way with my stepdaughter - I am SO paranoid that something will happen to her while she's in my care, so I'm probably a bit overprotective.

Richard said...

hehehehe i like it

Richard said...

thanks! I hear it's the hardest bar exam there is? :oD lol

calbar blondie said...

Just wait until they are teenagers FBE and BB....

Blawgin' said...

That's hilarious. My doctor friends snicker about our low passage rates and boast about their 90% passage rates on med boards. Of course, they have to take like 5 tests or something. Still...sounds better.

calbar blondie said...

Blawgin, I went to law school with more than a few physicians. Some passed, but just as many did not.Some threw in the towel after one or two tries. I have been told that the California Bar Exam IS the most difficult professional licensing exam in the country.