Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Life Changing Facial.

I ran 10 miles on Saturday. Oh, yes. 10 miles in a row. Without stopping. Crazy Running Friend morphed into Psychotic Masochistic Running Friend when she unilaterally decided not only to run 10 miles, but to add significant hills to the run as well. Nice. She is SO not getting a Christmas gift.

Knowing I was going to be in some sort of paralytic state after the 10 mile run, I booked a facial at a local spa that I like to frequent. I thought it would be nice to lay down in one of those comfy little beds while lavender smelling steam wafts over me. Also thought it wise to elevate my feet, lest they actually fall off from the shock of running that far.

So, I am all tucked in the comfy little bed, in my little purple robe with the matching little purple turban when I comment to the aesthetician how lucky she is to have such a nice, stress-free job in a place that is quiet and tranquil and smells nice. This was her response:

“Yes, I love it. I was halfway through law school when I decided that I didn’t want a stressful, unhealthy job where I made people, including myself, miserable for a living so I dropped out in 2001 and have been doing this ever since.”

Ya don’t say.

Talk about a reality check. I was literally dumbfounded. Speechless. And speechless is a state I rarely achieve.

So, here is the list of Things I Learned From My Brilliant Aesthetician:

1. Practicing law is not everything. Plenty of people are happy in other professions.

2. I am not a loser destined for a tragic existence eating cat food and talking to inanimate objects if I end up not practicing law. See #1.

3. Lawyers don’t get to work in quiet, tranquil places that smell nice.

4. Not everyone actually wants to be a lawyer.

5. Not everyone thinks that becoming a lawyer and practicing law is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Who knew a facial could be a life changing event????

1 comment:

ButterSnatch said...

So are you contemplating NOT becoming a lawyer?