Friday, May 18, 2007


Do not even get me started on Grey's Anatomy. Seriously!?!?! That was the worst season finale I have ever seen on any show I have ever watched. NOTHING went well for ANYONE!!! Unequivocally, all of their lives now suck. Although, arguably, a lot of their lives sucked before the suicidal debacle that was last night's episode.

It was SO unbelievable. After Burke waxes poetic during surgery (Note to self: if ever on a gurney headed into life threatening heart surgery while pregnant with twins, ask surgeon if there is anything he would like to get off of his chest before slicing me open, in an effort to ensure said surgeon is focused on my heart that is about to explode and not his vows to some sadistic closet lesbian with anger issues. Oh please, she is so in love with Meredith. She is her person. Whatever.) he then leaves her at the altar in front of his overbearing nightmare of a mother? Right. Burke has serious mommy issues anyways, so she is probably better off.

And then they reveal that the hot chick McWhiny, I mean, McDreamy hit on at the bar last week is a new intern, and lo and behold her last name is GREY. So, Dark and Twisty has a hot little sister that she doesn't know about? Daddy issues revisited.

George failed the intern exam? I thought he was supposed to be the smartest one, but of late, he is acting like a total idiot being led around by his manhood. He needs to suck it up, strap on a set and stop giving McBitchy, I mean Izzy the love eyes.

And right when Callie gets the Chief Resident position, she has a sudden estrogen attack, her eyes mist over and she wants to have a baby???? Please, I have been waiting for her to throw down and kick Izzy's ass. I would have handed that bitch her scrubs on a platter and sent her packing. Who do you think George will pick? Izzy the Underwear Model OR Callie The Wife I Thought I Wanted Who is Now Laden With My Womb Fruit. Hmmmm...that's a toughie....

Alex missed his chance with Ava, and Derek cut his hair. WTF???

And Meredith, my friend, I will never have sympathy for you had McDreamy and turned him into McNightmare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's too funny. You called it with Yang -- she is a sadistic closet lesbian with anger issues. Burke is better off. Meredith is just irritating in every way possible. Whatever choices she faces in life, she inevitably chooses the one that will screw her life up the most. And yes, George will go for the underwear model. Especially if he hears the phrase "Womb Fruit." Gross.