Wednesday, July 4, 2007

And Warmer......

Happy 4th of July!! I actually made it to the gym on a holiday. Gotta say, I was a little bit impressed with myself until Perfect Husband and I got to the gym and evidently, the entire free world had the same idea. Annoying.

I have been working out and running consistently for a while now...the race is a week from this Sunday. Crazy Running Friend and I may do another one in October. I joined a women's soccer league that starts next Tuesday. I am on a roll and determined to stick with it ~ my Quest for Total Hotness lives on!

I am down a couple more pounds this week and am starting to feel like my old self, just a little bit, back before law school and the two bar exams broke my spirit and turned me into the Princess of Darkness and Anger.

But anyhoo, Perfect Husband and I got home from the gym and I proceeded to lay on the couch for the next 2 hours and watch a new show on E called Sunset Tan. Has anyone see this show?? It is about a group of ridiculously good looking and self absorbed individuals running a chain of tanning salons called Sunset Tan. Much to my husband's utter horror and disbelief, I was riveted and promptly proclaimed it my New Favorite Show, and here's why: there are a couple of hot little Britney clones named Holly and Molly that call themselves The Olly Girls..."You just take off the M and the H!" You can't make this shit up!!

Anyone who has failed the bar needs to watch this show immediately as you will instantly realize, as I did, that we are taking life way too seriously. As I was laughing my ass off watching this vapid boob-fest, (Jose Canseco's ex-wife #2 has one of the Tanning Goddesses come to her house to hose her down with the tanning that one's a mental giant, all right, but hey, what do I know? She is now engaged to a plastic surgeon) all I could think was, here I am crying over the bar exam and how I am going to be stuck being a paralegal for the rest of my life, blah, blah, blah, I will never be a lawyer, boo hoo, and all these hot people are fighting each other to airbrush Paris??? The cat fights and drama over who gets to open the Vegas Sunset Tan (at The Palms, of course...apparently George Maloof has some sort of agreement with all TV channels everywhere that he must appear on every reality show there is...) was of such epic proportions that I couldn't help thinking that I have veered tragically far from reality and an even keeled perspective on the world ~ why am I so obsessed with passing this test? No one else wants to be a lawyer!! They all want to own their own businesses and look good!!! It's all about gettin' ahead in L.A. What am I doing here? If I were to have a conversation with one of the Olly girls, I could imagine them asking me why the hell I went to law school. I could picture one of them saying, "Omigod, that is totally too much work!! And SO not fun! Want to get a Mystic?"

Maybe the world would be a better place if people were less litigious and had a better tan. I think I am going to throw my hat in the ring to be manager of the new Vegas Sunset Tan.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I just caught this show the other weekend and saw the catfight with the Olly girls! I remember thinking, how stupid could they possibly be? And how about the inappropriate questions that the other girl (I forget her name) made to Jessica Canseco while spraying her down? "What does your fiance do?" "He's a plastic surgeon." "Is that where you got those (her boobs) from?" OhnoNoNONONO! Not to mention the part where she asked Jessica how much they paid for their house! I was cringing in horror and embarrassment as those questions were coming out of her mouth! Ok, you talked me into it. I thought about TiVoing Sunset Tan but wouldn't let myself because I do need to study for the bar, but now I just may do that anyway. I need a break once in awhile!

I thought about hitting the pool yesterday but I figured they'd be closed for the holiday. Nope, they were actually open yesterday. Argh... missed opportunity. I'll just make myself go swim on Saturday morning. Definitely next week for sure.

Emily said...

HaHa! I didn't notice this entry before posting to your later one. Great minds, BB!

Once you rock the Vegas Palms Store, you can use your amazingly tan smarts to assist in launching Blonde Barristers Bootylicious Bar Review Boot Camp. We'll definitely need some spray tanning if we're going to have a pole dancing class.