Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I Love Me Some Bad Grammar!

You peeps are going to be so jealous when I tell you what was waiting on my porch last night when I got home. Oh yes, the very first published account of the life and times of Anna Nicole Smith. Check it out here:

What I find hilarious, and I should actually find this completely embarrasing, is that I bought this book because Amazon sent me a recommendation email. I almost fell off my chair I was laughing so hard...the whole "based on past purchases, Amazon thinks you would like..." And then they show a whole bunch of pictures of the books you have purchased in the the past? I love it! Their records show that I am a literary schizophrenic:

So, we have your garden variety chick-lit, (which frankly, I think I could do just as well, if not better than some...) law school text books, bar review guides and trash. Nice!!

So, the book I got last night was written, and REALLY, I am using the term loosely, by Anna Nicole's half sister, Donna Hogan. I sat down just to look at the pictures in the middle, and OMG, I was riveted!! The woman cannot string together a lucid sentence to save her life. Bad grammar, improper syntax, inconsistent tenses, all the good stuff! I do this with every book I read. First, I read the fist couple pages, then I go to the end and read the last chapter. Then I spend the rest of my time reading the book in search of typos and mistakes. I have yet to be disappointed. This book was the worst, in terms of typos and misspellings: Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion by Izabella St. James (Hardcover - Aug 21, 2006)

Clearly, it should come as no suprise that my peeps over at Amazon thought Train Wreck would be something I would want to read.

I was on Bart one time, with the Playboy Bunny book and a PMBR book.....people looked afraid, very afraid.

I will be posting my favorite quotes from this work of art...I can't wait!! I should be done with it at lunch...funny what a quick read it is!!

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