Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Life is in the Details.

Life is in the details. I picked up this precious little nugget of wisdom from my current bar review professor. Another gem: "it's the little things that kill you." I am one of those people; the little things will, in fact, kill me. Which leads me to my obessesion with typos.

What, exactly, do book editors do? I cannot tell you the number of books I have read that have typos. It isn't really surprising that the "true life" type of books that come out about 15 minutes after a major news event have typos and mispellings and incorrect syntax. I am sure those books were thrown together in the hopes of catching the profitable wave of media frenzy that induces millions of people to buy near-illiterate books. But still. As someone who is unemployed again, taking the bar exam for the second time, pondering a lifetime of bar review hell, this might actually be a feasible alternate career choice for me. I must say, it really must not be that hard. The standards certainly are not as high as those on the bar exam or for that matter, in the practice of law. Someone sends you a manuscript, you read it, correct the obvious mistakes while ignoring the more subtle ones, and move on to the next manuscript. Hopefully, at home in bed or in front of your computer in your jammies. Not a bad way to make a buck. If, while practicing law, you happen to miss a subtle problem or mistake, bad things can happen. People can lose their homes, lose custody of their children, lose money or go to prison. This is why lawyers need malpractice insurance and book editors don't. (Note: this is pure conjecture on my part, seeing as how the state of California has not seen fit to grant me a license to practice law. Whatever; I'm not bitter.)

My big problem is with textbooks or say, hhhmmm, bar review books that have typos and mispellings. Books that I usually pay over $50.00 for. In law school, a textbook required for a writing class kept using "imminent domain" instead of "eminent domain." As if the government is going to take your private property for public use RIGHT NOW! The taking is IMMINENT! This absolutely killed me because a lawyer wrote the book! Did he not actually study Property or Con Law??? One of the bar review books I bought recently used "emanent" domain. What? According to my friend Merriam-Webster, that is not even a word!

Clearly, (I am out of law school, I can use the word "clearly" again!) book editors are not lawyers. Because of the lower standard for attention to detail, being a book editor is now officially my Alternate Career Choice #1.

However, having said all this, I apologize in advance for any and all typos in my posts.


Anonymous said...

So true, so true! Typos are the bain of my existence...

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